Leonard and Penny struggle to recover from an awkward first hookup and try to figure how to overcome their current problem. A romantic evening between the pair soon turns to a night filled with drunken sickness. The next day Penny talks to Sheldon regarding her current problem with Leonard and Sheldon points out that if things don't work out, they can always return back to being friends. After Sheldon tells Leonard that he spoke to Penny about their problems, Leonard goes to Penny's apartment, there Penny tells Leonard that being friends was much simpler and that it will take the pressure off, something that Leonard agrees to. They decide to go back to being friends, however it's clear that neither wants that and soon give in to their attraction. Meanwhile, Sheldon and Howard stake their most valuable comic books (Sheldon's Flash against Howard's Fantastic Four) on a bet to determine the species of a cricket. Sheldon hears the chirps and says it is a snowy tree cricket and Howard insists it is a common field cricket. Along with Raj, the three spend a while locating the cricket. They settle the bet by taking "Toby" to Caltech's depressed entomologist, played by Lewis Black. Howard is correct that it is a common field cricket, so Sheldon has to give up his copy of The Flash.
The title refers to the fact that Sheldon believed the name Jiminy (referencing Jiminy Cricket) to be a far more suitable name for a cricket than "Toby".