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Super Cyclone (2012)

REVIEW BY: Jeffrey Long

COMPANY: The Asylum

RUNTIME: 89 mins

FORMAT: Netflix

PLOT: When a super cyclone threatens the entire American eastern seaboard, a lone meteorologist and a petroleum engineer must battle the elements to stop the threat.

REVIEW: No way to beat around the bush here, Super Cyclone was pretty below-average Asylum fare, so if you're familiar with The Asylum, you already know what to expect - Horrible acting even from previously well-established actors, dreadfully-written and delivered dialog, gigantic plot holes and leaps in logic, quite questionable science, and very low-grade effects (even by this company's very low standards) - but damn, there are some truly FUN cheesy scenes of mass destruction in a way that only Asylum can do. For instance, the hurricane/super cyclone in one scene has sucked up tons of spilled oil from a rig out in the ocean that had been destroyed by it, so there's all these gallons of oil whipping around in this what happens when it destroys some power lines when it reaches the city and a spark goes off? Yeah, a hurricane of roaring friggin' fire devestating everything in its path, and raining down chunks of fire hail as well - Awesome!

Sadly, apart from a few scattered entertaining scenes like that (none of which quite reach that level of campy fun again), there really is not much to like here and if you're not generally a fan of Asylum then I can't really recommend this to you. Hell, even as a fan of Asylum I'd probably still suggest just skipping this one.

3/10 rooms in the Psych Ward


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Saluran ini adalah saluran khusus Dewasa (18 Tahun keatas) dan mengandung unsur pornografi yang dapat merusak moral anak bangsa dan berdosa (zinah mata). Harap Close jika anda mengerti.

This channel is a dedicated channel Adults (18 Years and above) and pornographic that may damage the morale of the nation and sin (adultery eye). Please Close if you understand.

هذه القناة هي قناة مخصصة كبار (18 سنة فأكثروالإباحية التي قد تؤدي إلى تلف نفسية الأمة والخطيئة (العين الزنا). الرجاء إغلاق إذا فهمت.

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Saluran ini adalah saluran khusus Dewasa (18 Tahun keatas) dan mengandung unsur pornografi yang dapat merusak moral anak bangsa dan berdosa (zinah mata). Harap Close jika anda mengerti

This channel is a dedicated channel Adults (18 Years and above) and pornographic that may damage the morale of the nation and sin (adultery eye). Please Close if you understand

. هذه القناة هي قناة مخصصة كبار (18 سنة فأكثر) والإباحية التي قد تؤدي إلى تلف نفسية الأمة والخطيئة (العين الزنا). الرجاء إغلاق إذا فهمت.

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Saluran ini adalah saluran khusus Dewasa (18 Tahun keatas) dan mengandung unsur pornografi yang dapat merusak moral anak bangsa dan berdosa (zinah mata). Harap Close jika anda mengerti.

This channel is a dedicated channel Adults (18 Years and above) and pornographic that may damage the morale of the nation and sin (adultery eye). Please Close if you understand.

هذه القناة هي قناة مخصصة كبار (18 سنة فأكثروالإباحية التي قد تؤدي إلى تلف نفسية الأمة والخطيئة (العين الزنا). الرجاء إغلاق إذا فهمت.

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